Donate Blood for Diabetes Research and Get Paid

Earn money by donating blood for diabetic research. See the requirements for donating below and confirm if you qualify.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition that affects the way the body metabolizes sugar or glucose, and generally manifests in two different types: type 1, or insulin-dependent, diabetes and type 2, or non-insulin dependent diabetes. Type 2 diabetes makes up about 95% of the diabetes population and is characterized by insulin resistance. Insulin is the key signaling hormone for glucose metabolism and its effect can be diminished by excess weight, inactivity, and genetic factors in patients with type 2 diabetes.  Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the destruction of the body’s beta cells, which produce insulin, thus eliminating that important resource. The cause of type 1 diabetes is thought to have a genetic and environmental component although the exact reason is still unknown.

“Severe” diabetes is determined by a patient’s hemoglobin A1c level, a three-month marker of blood glucose levels. Participating studies will indicate appropriate A1c levels needed for qualification although all patients should adhere to ADA guidelines of less than 7.0% A1c for optimal health and reduced risk of future complications.

Donor requirements for participation:

  • Your A1c level is 8.0 or greater.
  • You must be clinically diagnosed by a medical professional. Confirmation of the diagnosis and/or treatment must be verified with your physician.
  • Be pre-screened to determine eligibility.
  • You’re willing to donate whole blood or plasma through the apheresis process.
  • You must have a photo ID and be able to provide your social security number or proof of citizenship.
  • You must be at least 18 years old.
  • You must weight at least 110 lbs.
  • You must disclose if you have ever been diagnosed with Hepatitis C and/or HIV.

Learn more about requirements and eligibility here

This donation program is only available at our donor centers. See a list of our locations here

For questions and concerns about requirements or participation, contact us at (833) GO-4-CURE.


Symptoms are usually slow in progression and include increased thirst, frequent urination, increased hunger, weight loss, fatigue, blurred vision and slow healing of infection.


Diet and exercise are key to preventing diabetes and initially treating it. However, medications may be necessary for further control. Treatment can be complex and comprehensive with a variety of combination medications to decrease A1c and blood glucose levels. Initially, patients are encouraged to change their diet and exercise habits. 

Since patients with type 1 diabetes no longer produce enough insulin from the destroyed beta cells, insulin is the recommended first-line therapy. Additional medications can be added for further reduction in A1c and blood glucose level per physician discretion and product indication.

This information is not meant for clinical diagnosis, but as an educational resource derived from Mayo Clinic.

Living with a chronic illness can pose great challenges to your daily activity. Being proactive with treatment and donating to research can be a beneficial addition to your routine management. Discovering that you have a disease can be overwhelming with many unanswered questions and concerns. One that may come to mind is “how can I help someone else that may go the same process and struggles that I have experienced?” You can help by becoming a Specialty Antibody donor!

Participating in research allows scientists and clinicians find new treatments, tests and quicker diagnostic methods to improve patient outcomes and, hopefully, prevent the disease in the future.

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Ready to Begin the Qualification Process?

Fill Out the Pre-Screening Form